Below syntax shows how to use a SELECT statement to get data from a single DB2 table.
Example is given below to retrieve and sort selected columns and rows from an INVOICE table :
We can also have a query like below :
Inorder to select all the columns from the table, we can have below query:
But for performance stuffs, we should only select the columns that we need for our requirements.
SELECT column-list FROM table-name [WHERE selection-condition] [ORDER BY sort-column [DESC] [, sort-column [DESC]] ...]
Example is given below to retrieve and sort selected columns and rows from an INVOICE table :
SELECT INVNO, INVDATE, INVTOTAL FROM MM01.INVOICE WHERE INVTOTAL > 100 ORDER BY INVDATE DESCHere query will select rows from INVOICE table only if it has INVTOTAL greater than 100. And it sorts the returned rows by the invoice date in descending sequence.
We can also have a query like below :
SELECT INVNO, INVDATE, INVTOTAL, INVTOTAL - PAYTOTAL - CRTOTAL AS BALANCE FROM MM01.INVOICE WHERE INVTOTAL - PAYTOTAL - CRTOTAL > 0 ORDER BY BALANCE DESCPlease note that in this SELECT statement that the last column in the query is BALANCE which is calculated by subtracting the payment total(PAYTOTAL) and the credit total (CRTOTAL) from the invoice total(INVTOTAL). That is, BALANCE doesn't actually exist as column in INVOICE table. This column is called calculated column and only exist in the results of the query.
Inorder to select all the columns from the table, we can have below query:
But for performance stuffs, we should only select the columns that we need for our requirements.
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